Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Specialist
Community Advocate, Social Media Creator, and Podcaster

Learning &
Our Learning and Development services have been designed to provide a wide scope of learning in an inclusive manner. Each standalone workshop is designed to introduce new concepts, and provide frameworks of shared meaning, and reflection prompts that inspire both intrapersonal and interpersonal engagement. Each learning journey is designed to provide organizational change agents with new concepts, frameworks, organizational practices, and tangible action items for organizational change. Here is our selection:
Introducing JEDI Fundamentals
Introducing and Embracing Inclusive Communication Practices
Addressing Organizational Racism
Decolonizing Work and Resetting Workplace Norms
Auditing and Addressing Organizational Anti-Blackness
Introducing JEDI Fundamentals
This standalone workshop has been designed to give you and your team foundational knowledge to begin your JEDI journey. Key terms and concepts are introduced so that your team can have a shared language to build on. This session offers expansive coverage on the following topics:
Social and cultural competencies
Having a collective understanding of basic JEDI principles will allow your organization and its change agents to create mutuality and accountability as you move forward. Moreover, it creates empowering momentum for your organization.
Introducing and Embracing Inclusive Communication Practices
This workshop can be delivered as standalone training or can be serialized as a learning journey for your organization. It has been designed to give your team new ways to engage in communication. During this session, your team will focus on:
Value systems
Culture and cultural norms
Confirming communication behaviors.
Becoming a competent communicator is essential across any organization and industry. Additionally, team members need to be able to provide each other with supportive communication practices that recognize the ways social and cultural differences impact both our verbal and nonverbal communication practices. Essentially these skills help clients to create less misunderstandings, have stronger collaboration efforts, and meet organizational goals.
Addressing Organizational Anti-Racism
Designed as a serial set of workshops, each training will be built upon your organization's current goals, challenges, and expectations. Creating sustainable organizational change requires identifying the ways in which identity, systems, and power intersect.
During this learning journey, we will explore:
The significance of salient social identities
Historic and contemporary constructions of race
The role of cognition relating to biases
Strategies of anti-racism
Upon completion of this learning journey, team members and their organizations will have a deeper understanding of the significance of valuing differences and be able to practice new frameworks for engaging in difficult conversations. Lastly, organization change agents will have the foundation to begin actively incorporating anti-racism strategies and language into their respective teams.
Decolonizing Work and Resetting Workplace Norms
This training has been designed as a serial set of workshops. Each training will be built upon your organization's current goals, challenges, and expectations. It is imperative we recognize the historic values, beliefs, and norms that shape our contemporary work behaviors. Within this training, attendees will identify the historic and contemporary roles of colonialism in our daily lives. Your team will explore and reflect on the ways everyday workplace concepts and activities intersect with colonialism. During this learning journey, we will explore:
Historic and current models of time and its impacts
Elements of communication processes
The role of bias within current talent management practices
The connection between employer feedback and worldview
Upon completion of this learning journey, team members will be better equipped to identify and create more people-centric approaches to providing feedback, be able to create more inclusive metrics for evaluation and hiring, be more aware of diverse approaches to team management and be better prepared to create solutions that generate more inclusive spaces for their teams.
Auditing and Addressing Organizational
This training has been designed as a serial set of workshops. Each training will be built upon your organization's current goals, challenges, and expectations. There are a variety of global narratives that exist to describe people who are a part of the African Diaspora. And while “racism” does describe the experiences of many Black people within society, it doesn't fully articulate all the cascading tensions and conflicts of the African Diaspora. During this learning journey, we will explore:
The historic (under)development of Africa
The legacy of chattel enslavement
Identify the multifaceted impacts of emancipatory movements
The contemporary legacy of systemic violence extended to Black peoples across the globe
Upon completion of this learning journey, team members will be better equipped to identify intrapersonal and interpersonal racial biases, be better able to maneuver difficult conversations relating to race and racial/ethnic identity and be more prepared to create solutions that generate more inclusive spaces for their teams.